Do you have recipe book after recipe book lined up on your kitchen counter taking up valuable counter space? Do you have a recipe drawer you throw your recipes in, and never able to locate the recipe when you need it? What are you plans for your recipes from My Country Kitchen?
The staff of My Country Kitchen love organized recipes that make your life easier. Computerized recipes make it easy to find recipes, stay organized and reduce the stress in your life. Create the following categories for your personal computerize recipe database.
Crock Pot
Food Mixes
Copy Kat recipes
What I suggest is to mark off time on your schedule to enter your recipes on the computer. Say 30 minutes a day or week, etc. Always remember to back up your recipe database.
Make a new document for each recipe and then save that document under the specific category on your recipe database.
Make a file for all your cooking tips.
Make a file for all your meals/grocery list you receive from My Country Kitchen.
Go through each cookbook and enter your favorite recipes on your database under Cookbook recipes. Unless the cookbook has sentimental value, sale your cookbooks. This will decrease your clutter. For the cookbooks that you are going to keep, make a chart with these subtitles: Recipe Name; Cookbook Name; and Page Number. This will allow you to find recipes in cookbooks easier.

Bread machine recipes provide the easiest way to enjoy fresh hot bread from the comfort of home. You'll be happy to know that the machine does all of the work for you! You simply toss the required ingredients into the machine and walk away.
Three hours later you'll get to enjoy fresh hot loaf that has been making your mouth water. Why would you ever want to use anything else? Sure, preparing and kneading the dough yourself is a great way to relieve stress, but the shortcut of using a bread machine is one that cannot be matched. What will technology think of next?
The beauty of such machines, such as the Panasonic SD YD250 automatic bread maker is that they are all designed with the same purpose; to produce a hot, succulent loaf of bread that is ready to eat the moment the machine has turned off. You can make a huge variety of loaf products as well.
You do not have to limit yourself to a regular loaf of white one. Why not try homemade cinnamon roles, sticky buns, rolls, loaf sticks or even pastas? It will be a great treat for your entire family and you can even make some baked treats to give to friends. They will most definitely be impressed with your culinary skills.
Most loaf makers have free bread machine recipes that are included with the purchase. There are sweet bread recipes such as those used for sticky buns and cinnamon roles. There are roll recipes for those wonderfully flaky, French croissants, with the beautifully soft interior and the buttery crust.
It is a bonus gift on top of the maker. To make things even easier, there are box mixes that you can buy that take all of the guess work out of measuring. All you do is buy the box mix in the store and follow the directions. They are designed especially for a loaf maker machine. No longer will you have to knead and shape the dough yourself. The machine does all the work for you!
You are crazy if you do not go out and immediately purchase a bread making machine. The Zojirushi bread maker is a great brand and it comes with free bread machine recipes so you can enjoy all the great breads you could possibly want.
You will be amazed at how easy it is to produce fresh loaf this way. To make things even easier, buy yourself a box mix. Your friends will be delighted to receive a loaf of your homemade loaf as a wonderful gift.